I was actually of thinking of making this little cake too pinkish but I forgot to colored my fondant, too late when I realized that I actually wanted pink so I just painted it after. hahaha
My favorite part.. Covering the cake with fondant! :)
I also did some heart shaped Safari chocolate cake! :)
I just put some Betty Crocker chocolate frosting to make it more chocolaty in the center.
I love this cake! and I have finally discovered how to make my fondant less sweeter.
I guess, it's true practice makes perfect! :))
Anyhoo, nothing really happened during my birthday cause I literally spent half of my day in school trying to get my grades and then went back to house at around 5-ish and eat with my family and some friends who went over the house.
Just the typical Filipino food and I love love love this Pancit malabon! so I asked my mom to buy this for our birthday. I am addicted to it! This is probably the only malabon that I like.. and surprisingly the best malabon ever! well, I also like the Malabon in Greenhills though. But its like whatever. I love this one. :)
I think the best gift I have ever received on my birthday was when I got this surprise call from my boyfriend. Although I told him in my letters that he should call me on my birthday cause I made him this little scrap book wherein I wrote him random letters inside that he should only read every month.. and I told him no peeking but right after he checked in to the hotel he told me he already read the letter for December which is very stubborn and honest of him. but whatever, atleast he made an extra effort to call me earlier than I actually thought. He actually called me last Sunday before my birthday and greeted me in advance. He called me like 9x that day and just made me laugh the entire time. He's the sweetest! and he's basically the highlight of my year. He's one of the few best things that ever happened to me, and I can't thank God enough for having him. He's the only person that I can really be myself with, I mean, I can literally be me when Im around him. He makes me feel like I'm very much at home and that I can just practically laugh my ass off with him, be goofy around him and just eat till my heart contents without him judging me.
And I think that's what love is all about, when you're inlove with someone who can make you be the most "you" that you can possibly be, when you don't even love them for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they know exactly the melody to your heart, the music to your soul and can literally dance with it. Like there's this certain music that the two of you could only hear. and I think it's LOVE, or beyond it.. I think it's love at it's finest perfection. It's magical.
I don't even know how he could manage to make me feel loved eventhough he's nowhere near, but he was really that great to make me feel like I'm not alone. That he's still there, still inlove. That there's this weird invisible thread that brings us more closer to each other. It's like the more I miss him, the more he would make an extra effort to make-up with the times that he couldn't be here. He's an amazing boyfriend! and I couldn't ask for more. He's like the brother and the bestfriend I never had. He's my soulmate. There, I finally said it. and Eventhough at times he could really be such a huge pain in the ass, well,. he's MY pain in the ass, and I love him! :)
Aww, that is so sweet. Love is the most beautiful thing and it's amazing to read about how happy you are with him. I'm so glad. Your cake looks like it was amazing!