Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My tortilla Wraps.

So I did these wraps all by myself from scratch. This is actually one of my favorite. Its very easy to make and really yummy. Well for me, cause I'm obsessed with just about anything that includes pita wraps. From indian to greek cuisine. I love every bit of it!

Here's the recipe:
2 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 tbsp of lard or vegetable. Shortening
1/2 cup of warm water

Mix all the dry ingredients. Flour, salt, baking powder. And then add the shortening, make sure to cut it in small pieces. Mix everything.

Then add the warm water and knead dough for 3mins and form it into a ball. Let it rest for another 5mins and cover with cloth or plastic. After 5 mins, form it into 10 small balls and let it rest again for 30 mins to relax.

After that roll each ball using a rolling pin into a flat round disc and toss it into a dry round skillet until it has brown spots or as soon as the bubbles appear. Then its ready!

Here I made some meaty wraps. Ham and beef patties with tomato sauce, honey mustard, cheese and fresh tomatoes.

Mean while, my sister baked some Jamaican Patties and this thing. I swear she's the best! I kinda wanna learn too coz I love jamaican patties but whatever, I'll just leave it to her. Atleast, I can bake delicious cakes! ;p

I am blogging through my blackberry phone and I'm kinda lazy so forgive my post hope you understand the recipe though.lol K thanksbye.

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