Monday, June 4, 2012

Easy bread rolls with Olive oil. :)

 recipesI baked another bread out of my pandesal dough and I don't know what to name it. But anyways it's very easy to do and au so delis! :)

All you will need is a sausage, tomato, pizza sauce, garlic, onion and hard boiled eggs. and most especially, Olive oil. I looove olive oil and the aroma it brings on the food or salad.

I just first rubbed the cut garlic on dough, just to get the flavor. Like what they do in Bruschetta (which I will do next). Then I spread pizza sauce, put the sausage, tomato, sliced eggs, and some cut onions. Then I roll it and deep in Olive oil with pepper and put some Honey Mustard on top. :)

Then I coated some butter on my cupcake pan before putting the rolls.

and that's it! I love how it turned out. Its yummy and very easy to make.

Try it yourself bread lovers out there like me!


Which tea are you?

currently loving this Blueberry tea at home, especially when it's cold. xxx

1 comment:

  1. Wow this bread looks delicious! I'm crazy about lemon tea!
    Thank you for your compliment! This is the first time I consider myself a blonde, exciting, even though brunettes are stunning as well. But I like to experiment with my hair!

    E from Helsinki


Do you have some pinky sweet thoughts? :)


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