Thursday, September 12, 2013

Carbonara! :)

Last week I decided to make carbonara and cut all the process because I am lazy like that.. lol
so instead I tried this heat and serve carbonara from Del monte. This recipe is like so easy peasy!

The ingredients would definitely be up to you.. whatever floats your boat kind of thing.. Usually I would go for bacon or ham whenever I cook carbonara. But this time I was on a bit hungry for tuna and mushroom. :)
First thing first ofcourse, I sauteed the mushroom and Tuna!
I then added a bit of butter and mix mix mix..
While the pasta is cooking...
I put the carbonara ready sauce in the pan and added a bit of water, salt and pepper to taste.
VOILA! it's done. whew! :)

The verdict--- well, it was okay for me.. it was creamy and full of flavors! It actually tastes like a true carbonara, except that it was too creamy and maybe a little bit too salty for my taste. But all in all.. not bad! If you wanna fake your husband that you're so good into cooking carbonara.. well you gotta try this! haha although I would prefer my home cook carbonara more which is less creamy and less salty.


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