Thursday, October 18, 2012

Marshmallow Mermaid Pie

  I just made my Marshmallow Mermaid Pie last night and I can say that it was divine!! Quite like a graham cake but it's different, I can't really pinpoint why but maybe because of the mallows. Anyhoo.. I saw this recipe from one of my fave movie "The waitress". But I used my own recipe here though.. haha I just followed my instinct, like a boss. lol

So here it is..

You need:

  • One pack of White mallows
  • Milk
  • Cream (all purposed or whipping cream)
  • 5 tbsp pf melted cold butter
  • Graham crushed
  • Dark chocolate
  • 1/2 cup Toasted flaked coconut 
  • Minnie mallows and some sprinkles
  • Pie plate
The crust
  1. Some butter preferably 5tbsp
  2. Melt the butter through Microwave then cool down
  3. Mix the coconut flaked and crushed graham
  4. Combine the crumbs and butter with fork and press to bottom and sides of the pie plate. (leave on the fridge for atleast 30mins)

The cream

  1.  Heat marshmallows and milk in a saucepan, stir constantly under low heat until smooth and melted (cool completely)
  2. Beat the all purpose cream until stiff peaks form
  3. Fold the marshmallow mixture into whipped cream
  4. Add the grated chocolate
Lastly, spoon filling into cooled crust and top with mini marshmallows and some sprinkles! I've used my blue colored sugar though. :)

and now you can grab a slice and devoured into this girly sweet pie! :D

Sunday, October 14, 2012


SODA cake is one of the best chocolate cakes I have ever tried without having to worry about gaining weight! Yes, you heard that right! because instead of using the oil and eggs, we will substitute them with just ONE can of diet soda (preferably coke zero) and just 2 egg whites to make it fluffy.

What you need:

  • 1 can of diet soda
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 box of chocolate cake mix
  • lite whipped cream

  1. Ready the cake mix on the bowl, separate the egg whites and open the can of coke zero.
  2. Pour the egg whites
  3. Mix them
  4. Pour the coke zero

Mix them well with a whisk or a hand mixer and bake them according to the box instructions or when the tooth pick comes out clean.

and voila!

You now have a moisty and delicious chocolate cake top with whipped cream and some sprinkles! ;)

I used this new cake mix I found :)

It's super yummy and moisty..
and maybe.. a little bit of too sweet.

But nonetheless,
I can say that this has to be one of the best cake mix that comes at a very affordable price! :)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Deviled Eggs Recipe

I have prepared these yummy deviled eggs for our Product launch last week and everyone really loved it! I first tried these deviled eggs during the birthday of Mr. Tantoco (CEO of Rustan's). It was divine! It was creamy, a bit of sour/salty and quite old fashioned southern style. 

and from then on, I promised myself to make my own. SO here it is. It's actually very easy to do--really easy to do like oh my! Some would even put tomatoes or jalapeno. But I'd like mine the classic way.

 You'll just need the ff:

  • 6 Eggs (or 12, just double up the recipe) 
  • Smoked Spanish Paprika for garnish
  • 1/4 cup of Mayo
  • 1 tsp of Vinegar
  • 1 tsp of Mustard
  • 1/8 tsp of Salt
  • Pepper to taste
  • and a cute egg tray! :p

First you need to boil the eggs for about 15mins.
  A tip: put a little vinegar on the water so that the eggs won't crack during the boiling.
Rinse and let it cool completely before peeling the eggshells.

  1. Cut the eggs in half lengthwise.
  2. Carefully remove the yolks using a plastic spoon such as this (I got mine from redmango! hihi)
  3. Mash the yolks with a fork or transfer them to a mini processor.
  4. Then add the mayonnaise, mustard, and vinegar. Mix them well and add the salt and pepper to taste.
You can always adjust the recipe according to what you want. But I like mine to be a bit creamy so I added 1/4 cup of mayo but you can also try putting maybe a tablespoon of mayo or two. It depends really.

  • Then finally, transfer them to a pastry bag and squeeze them out on top of the egg whites then sprinkle with Paprika and serve. :)


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